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Cozy Cardio Trend: TikTokers' New Fitness Fad Making Waves

Sep 29, 2023 By Madison Evans

People's perceptions of exercise are being challenged by a new TikTok fitness trend. Called "cozy cardio," this low-impact workout routine prioritizes making you feel at ease (or "cozy") as you work up a sweat.

Some people find it therapeutic to exercise for 30 minutes to an hour while listening to calming music or watching a romantic comedy. Some people prefer to work out in the comfort of their own homes by putting on their favorite pair of pajamas, turning down the lights, and doing a dance routine to the latest viral video on Netflix or YouTube.

Cozy cardio, in either case, is "me time" with a fitness twist; the goal is to create a soothing environment that motivates you to go out without making you despise it.

The fact that TikTokers can do it from the privacy of their own homes may be a major lure. The "Hot girl walk" fad does not require any special equipment, rigorous workout efficacy regimens, or even the desire to appear beautiful on the part of the participant.

While many fitness enthusiasts may believe that "no pain, no gain" is the best approach to working out, a recent TikTok trend suggests that your daily cardio should be comfortable.

The term "cozy cardio" refers to low-impact exercises performed at home with an emphasis on self-care. Comfortable clothing, low lighting, a personal favorite TV show or movie, and sometimes even aromatherapy are the finishing touches on a workout efficacy. Since then, the craze has spread like wildfire on TikTok.

Exercises that are easy on the joints, like walking or riding a stationary bike, are nothing new. However, comfortable cardio appears to be appealing because it frames physical activity not as a burden but as something to look forward to.

The idea has a lot going for it, especially as a kind of self-care or a means to incorporate more physical activity into one's day while unwinding. But does cozy cardio actually boost fitness, or is it just another fad that won't last?

Why is Cozy Cardio Great?

Cozy cardio is a fantastic approach to appreciating your body and putting your well-being first through physical activity. If you're self-conscious about your body or just don't want people staring at you while you work out, this is a terrific way to get started.

Hope Zuckerbrow (@hope_zucker) is a health and wellness influencer who claims to have coined the term "cozy cardio" and started the "Cozy Cardio Club" after utilizing the technique to successfully lose 100 pounds.

Now, Zuckerbrow has roughly 900,000 daily followers who come to her site for everything from gym advice to meals.

As a result, Zuckerbrow has contributed to a movement that has served as an inspiration to innumerable women in the world of tech. TikTok has become a popular platform for people to talk about their weight reduction experiences, with more than 1.1 million views for the hashtag #CozyCardio.

Cozy cardio may help people exercise more often since it reduces the perceived difficulty of working out. There is no need to get dressed up and drive to the gym because the workout can be done at home. This may be the ideal low-stakes way to ease into a fitness routine.

Increase of Serotonin

Dan Go, a fitness trainer, claims that walking raises the mood-regulating neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine. Endorphins are released, neuroplasticity is encouraged, oxygen levels are raised, and stress and fatigue are reduced.

Despite this, research shows that the vast majority of us don't move as much as we should every day.

Fortunately, movements like #CozyCardio are making strides toward altering that. While most devotees aren't hitting the weights or preparing for a marathon, they are demonstrating that by finding a personal rhythm and raising their daily step count, they can take charge of their emotional and physical well-being.

Is It Enough to Just Do Some Cozy Cardio?

Cozy cardio should also be evaluated based on its potential to provide tangible fitness gains. Cozy cardio is likely to lose efficiency for anyone who isn't a beginner after they reach a certain fitness level.

Finding novel ways to exercise is appealing since it increases the likelihood that people will stick with their training routines. Just be careful that we don't fall into the trap of thinking that a minute or two of modest activity every day will suffice.

The CDC suggests that individuals engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiovascular activity per week. An activity is considered moderately intense if it is difficult enough to increase a person's heart rate and for them to break a light sweat. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that those engaging in moderate-intensity activities should be able to carry on a conversation but not sing.

But remember, that's simply the starting point. The risk of death from any cause was shown to be significantly lower in those who exercised for at least 150 minutes each week, according to a study conducted in 2022. However, individuals who worked out for longer and harder had an even greater reduction in risk.

Maintaining good health is easy with the help of a weekly aerobic workout of at least 150 minutes at a moderate level. However, people need to push themselves to improve their strength and health. You need to use your muscles to get the most out of your workout. As time goes on, your body will adjust to the stress by being stronger and more physically fit.


What is cozy cardio?

Cozy cardio is a popular fitness trend that entails performing cardiovascular exercises in a low-impact, casual environment. It removes the barriers of intensive exercise and intimidating gym settings, making it more approachable and appealing to a wider range of people.

Can you benefit from doing cardio?

Aerobic exercise lowers the risk of numerous diseases and health problems. Conditions include obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and several forms of cancer are all in this category.

Is TikTok workout the same as Cozy Cardio?

No, both are different. Lauren Giraldo, a popular figure on social media, came up with the "12-3-30" workout, which consists of 30 minutes of treadmill walking at a 3 mph rate and a 12% incline.

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